Tags, Folksonomies, And Whose Library Is It Anyway?

I was honored to join the conversation for the latest Talis Library 2.0 Gang podcast, this one on folksonomies and tags. The MP3 is already posted and, as usual, it makes me wonder if I really sound like that. Still, listen to the other participants, they had some great things to say and made it a smart discussion.

I’ve been working and thinking on tagging in WPopac for some time, and my post at MaisonBisson takes up the issue in some detail. The short answer, however, is that I’m thinking URL-addressable content that plays nice with outside tagging/bookmarking systems may be more valuable than creating a unique tagging system for each resource. WPopac already supports del.icio.us and others, now I’m wondering how I can use those resources to bring value back to the catalog.

folksonomies, folksonomy, interview, l2, lib20, libraries, library, library 2.0, library catalogs, library systems, opacs, podcast, tagging, tags, talis, talking with talis